98% Male fingerlings
Proven 98% male, made possible through using YY Tilapia males that produce close to 100% natural male tilapia (NMT) without fail.
Proven 98% male, made possible through using YY Tilapia males that produce close to 100% natural male tilapia (NMT) without fail.
PT IAS grades out 15-25% of undersized fingerlings during the first month ensuring high uniformity and higher profitability for farmers.
The only commercial hatchery in Indonesia producing monosex tilapia without the use of hormones. Hormones in tilapia farming has increasingly been banned by countries as its bad for the environment and human health.
YY tilapia have been proven to be more disease resistant with lower mortality as their immune system is not suppressed by hormones in the early stages of development.
If you would like to order fingerlings, please contact us via 085707179579 or info@indoaquasukses.com